How to buy the roasted coffee?

How to buy the roasted coffee?

After harvest the beans of coffee. The next step is roasting the beans with high temperature about 220-260 Celsius. Grind them to small molecules. The taste and smelling of the roasted beans may be different in each time, up to many factors such as the size of coffee after grind, roasting time or coffee sources.

These are the tips for select the best roasted beans:

1. Buying amount of coffee as you need for only one week.

2. The smelling of the roasted beans should be nice and no smelling of contaminate objects inside.

3. Do not buy roasted beans from the store or supermarket that estate near by the strong smelling food shops. The roasted bean will absorb the scent of each food.

4. Remember the flavor and characteristic of each type of coffee.

5. Kept the roasted beans in vacuum or air tight for stable quality of coffee.

6. Mill the roasted beans for single used only.

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