Stop The FDA Globalization Act of 2008!

Hello Everyone,

I am a member of the Indie Beauty Network and have been since launching my company. Today I am wishing to call to your attention this legislation which will cripple small business cosmetic manufacturers and force many of your favorites to close their doors if this law is allowed to pass.

Your diverse consumer choices will be whittled down to only the huge companies which continue to manufacture products with synthetics, chemicals and preservatives making skin conditions impossible to clear up or improve. These faceless companies don't really have much concern about the consumer, but only how to capture your dollar. Unfortunately, these companies have forgotten their roots since they too began as a small entity trying to carve their niche in the marketplace. Now huge companies outsource american jobs to overseas to make cheaper products, not safer ones. (Toys from China comes to mind.)

The FDA now wants to impose astronomical fees that would literally shut down the small handcrafter by making it impossible for them to maintain or even begin to follow standards which are only in play to benefit the larger companies. This only means more big government with really no change in protecting the consumer as they would have you believe. FDA regulations have already been in place to protect the consumer and Sterling Minerals Cosmetics already currently complies with all FDA regulations, so there is really no difference in this regard, but the fees imposed and the amount of burdensome paperwork involved would make it impossible for any new cosmetic businesses to even get off the ground. The fees are in the thousands of dollars and will only help the larger companies eliminate their competition, the handcrafters. We have eliminated the junk in our products which is taking a huge bite out of these companies bottom line as more consumers demand a safer alternative for their skin health needs. We are here to answer those needs only to now be threatened with being quashed and knocked out of the marketplace. Our consumers would truly suffer the blow if this were to occur. As Indies we stand as a united front to say NO, NO, this legislation in its current form. No one could care more about your health and safety than a handcrafter of cosmetics. All Indie Companies strive for a natural alternative to all the chemicals we are subjected to each and every day and we do it through our fantastic handcrafted products.

Even though I can afford these unfair fees now, I still oppose them as they are anti-small business and in the beginning I could not have even begun my business if these had been in place when I was trying to get started. There are still plenty of companies, mainly women owned, who are still trying to get their businesses up and running and have their piece of the american pie. Women who only want their independence and the freedom to enjoy self employment without government interference. And of course to the detriment of the consumer, I can ill afford to absorb these fees..... so guess what, cost of business goes up and that means higher prices passed on to you, my customer.

Please follow the links attached and learn about the FDA Globalization Act of 2008 and how it can affect you as a consumer. If you disagree with what is truly turning into an injustice against small business owners and want to stop it, then after reading the proposed petition, I ask you to voice your relevant opinion along with the many others who have signed before you, and place your name to it so our mentor of the Indie Beauty Network, Donna Maria, owner / founder may present your voice to the legislation to show an overwhelming support against the FDA Globalization Act of 2008. Sign the petition at STOP The GLOBALIZATION ACT of 2008! You may sign at bottom of all other petitioners and your name will be added to the list. Understanding what is happening, you may read in detail exactly what is proposed in the FDA Globalization Act Discussion Draft. This draft must be rewritten in order for fairness within the trades. In its current form it creates an unlevel playing field that only allows well financed, big box companies to survive.

You may also watch the video at the link above which shows Chairman Dingell expressing his point in a sarcastic manner to Hon. Calvin Dooley, President and CEO, Grocery Manufacturers Association, and seems to believe fees imposed against consumers through purchasing these products is the answer and we as consumers would have no problem with this. Mr. Dooley understands the consumer mindset and is nothing short of courteous, and as a consumer myself, I do not wish for Mr. Dingell to speak for me, since in reality better funding is required for the FDA to enforce the laws already in place which is available through tax revenue. If you can endure watching this forum, please note the industries mainly affected and are of the most concern, are food and drug, not cosmetic. However, since we as cosmetic manufacturers are included under FDA regulations, we will very much be affected by the fees and mandates proposed, outrageous as they are.

Also please watch the video from Donna Maria who will explain in brief detail of what can and will happen if this legislation remains unchanged and passes in its’ original context.

Thank you and I hope you will support us in our endeavor to stop big government from imposing fees and simply enforce the laws already in place including protecting us from importers (exporting from China mainly) of our food and drug industry that are making our people ill (Tainted toothpaste anyone?) or killing them (How about a little Heparin?). I am confused as to why we even continue to outsource our jobs to the manufacturers in this country given the contaminated products we have been subjected to as a nation. Remember the pet food scandal? And with Mr. Dingell I agree on this very valid point. Their governing regulations just don't meet acceptable standards yet they are allowed to export products for american companies to the states that put people and pets at risk. These are the areas that should be tightly monitored, yet are not. However, people also have died from drugs manufactured in the good old US of A which were supposedly already FDA approved. (Can you say Celebrex?) Get my point? Big business means big bucks! These are actually the violators of our safety and in many instances remain unchecked, not the smaller handcrafter eco friendly companies who are here because of safety concerns. If we are forced out of business by huge conglomerates and bad government legislation, then we as an entire nation will suffer.

To date no one has died from a product defined as a cosmetic.

Offering a choice is the American way and companies that place our health at risk should be stringently monitored, held accountable and substantial penalties and fines imposed against violators of those safety standards as already set forth by the FDA.

On behalf of all Indies’ we appreciate your support!

UPDATE: Please follow the latest story. The FDA Globalization Act of 2009! It has been a victory for the INDIE manufacturer of skincare products and mineral cosmetics. So far, congress has listened to the issues and they are treating the small business entities with fair practices with setting new regulations that allow us to remain in business.

Also, It appears that the Campaign For Safe Cosmetics is making some adjustments in their ingredient categories and separating out the varieties of different types of processed minerals, botanicals and essential oils. If they continue to create better reporting practices, my company will rejoin the ranks which support the campaign.

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