hearts on a monday


Voila! My latest distraction on my smartphone - Sketchbook Mobile.
I'm still crazy busy with college assignment deadlines looming, exhibition deadlines looming, tax return looming, and Spring Break already loomed so to speak. But at least now with this nifty little app I can do some spur of the moment doodling.
The app itself is the free version (Android) but I shelled out just over 16CAD for a capacitive stylus (after trying a vague attempt at making my own). It's been worth it so far. Sketching is much better than trying to keep to a straight line, and you have the choice of two brushes, a pen, a pencil and airbrush to draw with. Colour options are quite versatile. There's an undo feature as well as an eraser. Saving is a bit hit and miss with the free version though - these hearts took a few days and a few attempts to load into my Media Gallery, and then suddenly I've got several copies!
I'll persevere though - it's fun, and my ultimate goal as a reward for getting thru this last six month's silly season is Art Rage http://artrage.com loaded onto my netbook for kicks.

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