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Skin Care For Men
Posted on Friday, June 13, 2008 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
I love the enchanting, seductively masculine aroma of a freshly shaved face on my husband. It is wonderfully soft to the touch and it is when I am able to get really close without the burn to my own face. The softness doesn’t last long however since the stubble begins to re-grow in a matter of hours. Shaving is a daily ritual, sometimes twice daily for some men, yet in most cases this is the most men will do to take care of their skin. Well…they might also throw on a little sunscreen or aftershave…but that’s about it.
There is a new awareness by many men as they come to understand and learn about skin care and a trend is growing to provide more choices in men skin care products. To date however, women still are the larger mass of consumers when it comes to skin care products since most men simply don’t like the extra steps, or feel it is unnecessary and something only women do.
When is the last time you saw a commercial for men’s skin care products other than shave crèmes and aftershave splashes?
Men….it is time to take better care of your skin and to realize that you don’t have to endure acne scars left over from your youth or sun damage that is also occurring from sun exposure after the many years of partaking in outdoor activities.
More and more men are beginning to have plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles, sagging skin and drooping eyelids to create a more youthful appearance. However, through practicing proper skin health in the first place you may be able to forgo this drastic step.
Cleanse: Many men skip this step or save it for the shower with whatever soap is handy. Please don’t use Dial or other types of deodorant soaps on your face! Shampoo is not a face cleanser! These are extremely drying and can be pore clogging. Furthermore they can strip the precious oils from your skin. Use a cleanser designed for facial care and this step will not only get rid of the daily debris built up on your skin, but will help prep the face for the next step…Shaving.
Shave: When you shave, always make sure the water is warm to hot and use a moisturizing shaving gel to help soften your beard and skin. Always shave in the direction of hair growth to avoid ingrown hairs and razor burn. Make sure you replace your blades often to further avoid these problems and prevent razor nicks or you'll look like this man. Razor bumps experienced by men are typically caused by hair that curls around and grows back into the skin. Softening the beard, shaving in direction of hair growth, and keeping blades sharp will help prevent this. Also do not wear tight collared shirts since this can also create these tiny bumps in the neck area. And remember....a clean, close shave will bring that special lady closer for a snuggle.
Tone: An excellent toner is one comprised with no alcohol and is only mildly fragrant through the use of natural botanical extracts. Commercial toners can be heavy with alcohol and a strong fragrance which can be extremely irritating to the skin, especially on a freshly shaved face since this also is a means of exfoliation, exposing tender areas of the skin to these irritants. More and more specifically targeted companies for men are offering gentle and safe botanically derived facial products that also can smell wonderful without artificial fragrance and are exceptionally seductive. Tip: Aftershaves that are too strong in fragrance can have the opposite effect. If a woman can still smell your aftershave after you have left the room, she won't be following you! Too Strong = Turnoff!
Moisturize: Even though men have a much thicker epidermis than women do, it doesn’t mean this step should be ignored. In fact as many men age they seem to become more distinguished, as is the term, which further adds to the mindset they don’t need moisturizer. However to maintain good skin health, not only should this step not be ignored, but the same applies in using a good moisturizer. Keep it as natural as possible and avoid heavy fragrances and synthetic and chemical based crèmes. Many men skip this step for whatever reason......too feminine of a step......takes too much time....think they don’t need it. These are men that are from the old school of thinking or were simply never taught about skin care from their dads. I know, since my husband struggles to add this step to his routine. Even if it is a sunscreen lotion, I have to typically remind him to put it on before going outside. My husband is a Custom Home Builder and is exposed daily to the sun. He has had recurring skin cancer issues with his face due to not being vigilant about proper skin care the same way I am.
Masks and Scrubs: These are excellent for really keeping pores open and reducing skin congesting buildup of sebum and dead skin cells. Although you don’t need to do this everyday, men should try this step a minimum of once a week. More if you are so inclined. Just don’t overdo it. No more than 3 times per week to keep it simple and to avoid over drying of the skin. You can also use this time to decompress from the daily stresses in your life. Put the mask on, lay back with eyes closed and simply rest and rejuvenate while the mask does its job. You will simply be amazed at the way your face will feel and look after a full facial treatment. Facial scrubs can be used instead of standard cleansing lotions. However, if you cleanse and do a mask or scrub at the same time, the results to your face will be too drying.
Lip Balms: Also keep a lip balm handy for keeping your lips soft and to help prevent cracking or drying of your mouth. Locate a good balm with an SPF in it to prevent sunburn. Lip balms are the best solution for keeping your lips super kissable.While practicing your skin care regimen, you can use this time to also teach your own son about mens skin care. Many men teach their boys' how to shave, so add a few more steps to show them skin care is not just for women but should be practiced by everyone to avoid free radical damage and to slow the aging process on our faces.
If moisturizers aren’t your bag, then at the very least use a sunscreen. Even though this is the area I struggle with my husband about, he has come to realize there is an alternative to feeling like he has put goop on his face. Some men simply don’t like the feel of a moisturizer on their skin since some toners have a moisturizing effect and this is all they need or want.
Men can now get excellent skincare with our ONATI unisex skincare line. Free from chemicals, parabens, synthetics, sulfates and anything else that would be considered harmful. Just pure and natural face care.
This is where mineral makeup comes in for men who appreciate all phases of skin care or for those who want a simpler answer. If you are one of those men wanting to hide the imperfections without the surgery, minerals are for you. If you don’t like the application of a moisturizer or sunscreen after shaving, minerals are for you. My husband has shown an appreciation for this product since the powders have helped him to endure his skin cancer treatments while helping to soothe and hide the irritation caused by such treatment. It further protects his skin from further UVA and UVB damage while undergoing his treatment. When the treatment is finished, the healing process occurs more rapidly with the use of our mineral powders. Here is an article on EFUDEX chemotherapy treatments for skin cancer.
Mineral Makeup: Now before you scoff and retort ......”makeup!?” .....you can refer to it as sun powder or powdered sunscreen. The level of sunscreen is excellent and will help to hide the years of sun damage or acne scars that men have usually just learned to live with. Furthermore, with the revolutionary concept of mineral cosmetics becoming more widely recognized, more male actors and TV Journalists are now wearing mineral powders for their own makeup needs. Looks great under lights and will leave their complexion quite natural looking. This is not your mothers' makeup! Using mineral makeup is very discreet and no one will know you are wearing our powders since they have no shine, yet are not overly matte, and will meld into your skin for an all natural flawless complexion.
Some men today have decided to have cosmetic surgery or chemical peels to reduce the damage left on the skin from years of abuse. This brings up an excellent point…chemical peels and surgery can leave the skin bruised and red and irritated while it goes through the healing process. Mineral powders help to soothe, heal and conceal after one of these procedures. Always check with your doctor, but most physicians approve of mineral powders for the face after a cosmetic procedure.
So take the time to investigate a new skin care regimen and read labels carefully avoiding all the bad stuff and give Sterling Minerals Cosmetics a go. See if you don’t appreciate what they offer the face for a more youthful looking appearance while offering you excellent sun protection against the harmful UVA and UVB rays. The best part is sample sizes are available so you can experiment without a commitment to full size jars.
Have a Happy Fathers Day! ;~)
Category Article Skin Care Advice