
reading lesson

Grizzy studies her reading homework

It's a beautiful sunny day outside ...... and I've got a newsletter to write! All my files, scanner, etc. are on the desktop so no goofing off in the sun for me until I get it all done.

The newsletter is for a non-profit I volunteer with. It's a great way of getting writing, editing, and web experience. I'll be putting my recent SFU continuing studies courses into practice. Yesterday was my last copyediting class - I'll miss my Saturday morning escapes into the real world (both courses were excellent BTW, I can highly recommend Barbara Tomlin's courses). It has been a stimulating experience going back into the classroom. Hopefully I'll be able to build on what I've learned and continue working from home.

This stay-at-home parenting thing is a huge dilemma for me. While I don't want the Wee Guy to become a latch key kid I'm also feeling the inner turmoil over not contributing to the family budget. I realise that by staying at home I am saving by not having fulltime childcare and we can eat more cheaply as there is time to prepare meals from scratch. I aso don't have commuter expenses, my wardrobe needs are very simple and I do all the housework. By my conservative estimates, I'm 'earning' approximately $1300 CAD per month at the least but that's way off the mark according to a recent survey. I haven't even begun to estimate what my hunting around for bargains, cost savers and best deals nets.

But I'm still feeling the pull toward doing something more than just kitchen and kid. My former fully employed outside the home life is calling. I volunteer a lot, I run my jewelry design business, I'm at home before and after school ...... I'd just like more please.

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