followers friday

ebb and honeybeedz
me and her

Suddenly, it seems, this blog has a number of followers. Thank you and welcome. I'm trying to keep up with an interesting blog schedule but as you've no doubt notice Life Occasionally Gets In The Way.

I thought I'd start saying howdy to some of you brave souls who publicly acknowledge they read my blog entries, and first up is my lil' sis. She's known as Honeybeedz in the Etsy community and lives back in the country of my birth (so I don't see her very often :( ). But she does blog ..... occasionally ...... so I can (occasionally) find out what she's been up to. She does amazing bead weaves, sea glass wiring and celtic knotting, all of which is genuinely scottish. What she doesn't do is blog at length.
some of my lil sis's work

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