Mineral Makeup Tutorials Are Up!

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I have uploaded the first two tutorials in dealing with concealing and applying mineral makeup foundation with the moist method technique. These were the most requested by my customers so they were my priority for beginning what is going to be a long list of many fun things I have planned for video. So have fun and enjoy!

I have done an extensive tips and tricks in each video as I continue to repeatedly show the technique. Also in the Foundation tutorial listen closely and you'll hear my interpretation of Porky Pig.... badee badee badee that's all folks! Got a little tongue tied! At least it's good for a laugh as I get used to talking into a camera. And I am au naturale to be sure.

For those that are having trouble viewing this here or cannot view it perhaps in their email delivery please click on Sterling Minerals Media Zone Channel and you may watch them there and also subscribe if you like to receive updates as they are loaded into my media zone.

Feel free to leave me your comments here on the blog or suggestions and any feedback you wish directly with the video or on my youtube channel. I appreciate hearing from you very much.

Have a great weekend!

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