Home > Skin Health > Holistic Facial Mask For Acne, Rosacea. Great For All Skin Types!
Holistic Facial Mask For Acne, Rosacea. Great For All Skin Types!
Posted on Thursday, September 24, 2009 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
Using natural face masks are excellent for detoxifying the skin, fighting acne, calming rosacea and soothing psoriasis. The beauty of using all natural products in a one time use facial mask is you don't have to worry about preservatives or the product going bad. It is made fresh each time and the leftovers tossed after application. Safe, effective and completely sanitary!
I have been touting the benefits of using Oryza (Rice) Sativa forever now, and why it is so excellent for all skin types, especially those suffering from rosacea and acne. It is a natural emollient for soothing and softening skin while providing retention of moisture against the skin with slow oil absorbing properties also.
It is this key ingredient we have built the success of our mineral makeup products on and why women are doing so well with our mineral powders to date along with our use of Jojoba Oil and Allantoin.
Now I wish to share with you an all natural recipe for "doing it yourself" skin therapy with a wonderful holistic facial mask made from Rice Flour, Goats Milk and Honey found right in your own kitchen. Very simple and fun to do and your skin will feel absolutely wonderful. It is non irritating and your acne will do so well on this mixture. As with any skincare product whether homemade or off the grocery store shelf, do a small patch test to make sure you do not have a reaction. Well let's go play formulator:
Face Mask Recipe: Gluten Free! Excellent for all skin types including Mature, Dry skin.
6 Tablespoons Rice Flour (organic if you can find it)
5 Tablespoons Organic Goats Milk
1 Tablespoon Organic Honey
1/2 - 1 Teaspoon Organic Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil (optional) Provides further moisturizing properties and adds more soothing repair to aggravated skin.
Mix these ingredients together and slightly warm in the microwave 10 -30 seconds on high. Time varies depending on power level. Stir ingredients again then test on forearm to make sure it did not get too hot. Mask should have a paste like consistency, similar to oatmeal. If you like your mask to be a bit more runny, increase the goats milk. If you prefer it thicker, decrease the goats milk. Play with it and have fun, there are no rules, but simply experimentation!
Cleanse and dry face only and then apply your mask formula with your fingertips.
For the best in mask performance, apply after you get out of a steamy shower since the pores will have been softened making for better cleansing and exfoliation. Or apply while taking a hot bath.
Using gentle circular motion, continue application until face is completely covered. Keep away from delicate eye area.
Once the mask is in place sit down and relax for 20-30 minutes.
Now rinse with lukewarm water while slightly massaging skin again for further exfoliation until it is fully rinsed off.
You can use this mask 2-3 times per week safely.
Rosacea Care: only massage face during application. Use once per week and rinse mask from face without further exfoliation massage. For mild rosacea with acne this mask can be used up to 2 times per week. With rosacea you want to guard against over stimulating the skin too much. This mask is about as gentle an exfoliator as you can get.
Follow up with your Perfect Balance Facial Toner for toning skin and tightening pores, followed up with your favorite skin cream or our Vitamin Rich Facial Serum. Never a better time to use this while the skin is fresh, clean and softened to allow for maximum absorption of nutrients.
Ingredient PerformanceRice Flour ~ is great for providing the exfoliation in the form of a slightly gritty texture, not to be confused with our modified, cosmetic grade Rice Powder we use in our mineral cosmetics as this is silky and non gritty. Raw Rice Flour maintains a more pronounced level of the moisturizing properties and you can feel it when you rub it between your fingers. This will help the acne and remove dead skin cells, blackheads, whiteheads and simply provide an all over moisturizing gentle exfoliant for the face.
Goats Milk ~ Goats milk has the same pH level as human skin which means it will not dry your face out. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory, natural exfoliant (alpha hydroxy acid) and has antibacterial capability, killing the bacteria which causes acne. It will also saturate the skin with essential nutrients of Vitamins A, B, C and D. Goats Milk by Meyenberg can also be found in dry powder form and rehydrated with distilled water for each individual use. Available in health food stores or vitamin shops. Or online from a variety of locations. It will also store better than fresh goats milk or canned goats milk. Dehydrated version has shelf life of 4 years.
Honey ~ It is full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Has an emollient property, is soothing and is a natural humectant. This helps to smooth roughness and calm irritations of the skin. It has natural cleansing and antibacterial properties and since bacteria are unable to live in honey, it demonstrates its natural preservative capabilities. This perfect emollient leaves a micro thin protective film on the skin.
Warning: sweetness may be hazardous! Guard against eating your mask instead of using it on your face. ;~)
Jojoba Oil ~ It aids in the reduction of acne, healing of skin irritations, and will help minimize scarring. It is soothing for those with rosacea, sebborheic dermatitis and psoriasis. It is excellent for decongesting facial pores, stopping the over production of natural pore clogging sebum and for restoring your skins' natural pH balance. Jojoba oil is a powerful anti-oxidant and is rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin C and contains minerals of Chromium, Copper, and Zinc. It mimics our own sebum, and will act as a replacement for the loss of natural oils and collagen as our skin matures, making it excellent for fighting wrinkles. It aids in smoothing surface roughness, flakiness and fine lines.
This ingredient is also used in our mineral makeup foundation formulas for preventing dryness and controlling sebum production. And of course, for its' other well known healing properties.
Best Place To Find These Fantastic Ingredients
All of these can be found at your local food coop or health food store for the most part. Even some grocery stores will have a health food section for getting most of these items. Rice Flour may need to be purchased from your local Asian market. I personally have to go to my local Asian market since I could not find raw rice flour anywhere else. The best part about it too is it is inexpensive and will store in an airtight container for up to 2 years.
Try it this weekend to reveal a brighter, healthier new you with glowing skin.
Watch for more homemade beauty recipes in the future. Also let me know how it did for your face...I would love to learn about your results with this soothing, healing mask. Either write to me or leave a comment at this article.
Happy Day! Toodles!
Category Article acne treatments, Natural Skincare Recipes, Skin Health
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