How to Live Well- Room by Room

As you know, we are getting ready for baby chez moi. This has caused us (mainly me) to organize, declutter, rearrange, fluff and generally reevaluate our living situation. I’m having good fun doing this- and all of this housework has caused me to ponder thoughts on how to live well, domestically.

That is, after all, what this blog is all about- living well. It is my lifelong, ongoing quest to live well. And as I’ve said before- living well has absolutely nothing to do with money… it’s what you do with what you have.

For example, we live in a beautiful Santa Monica town house for which I am extremely grateful. Because we live in this beautiful town house (that comes with a not so beautiful mortgage) we do not have what I would call ‘ideal furniture’. It is a mish mash of items from our past- some of it cohesive, some of it not. But I have learned to make do with what we have and 'make it work' (as Tim Gunn would say).

I constantly remind myself that it is the American in me that wants an entire house full of brand new furniture… it is my French alter ego that reins my greediness in and tells me my furniture is just fine the way it is (but that is another post).

So I’ve decided, as I comb through my house getting ready for baby, that I am going to share a series of posts with you where I explore how to live well room by room. Your feedback and tips will, as always, be much appreciated… And perhaps by writing it down and discussing it, living well domestically will become like second nature…

I’m looking forward to our journey!

Pictured above is the orchid in my kitchen, which has, until recently, been dormant for a year…

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