Home >Beauty Skin Care Naturaly > mama renew monday: another nugget
mama renew monday: another nugget
Posted on Monday, July 5, 2010 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
Just a quick post today as I've got an "invalid" to look after.
One of the first tasks I took away from my mama renew mondays (geez, i miss you ladies!) was taking a pause during the evening to journal one positive moment of my day. Ugh! My first thoughts; what a wishy washy task ....... but after two weeks of getting it all down on paper (I missed only two evenings - yay me) I did notice a real difference in my thought patterns. One of my reasons for taking part in the workshop was to try turn around my extremely negative thinking and I'm happy to say that, by and large, it has worked.
My notes in my journal sum it up.
- out with the negativity, in with the positivity
- retraining the brain
- improving the mood
- changing attitude
- improving my relationship with myself
PS: most of the problems remain the same though but at least they're not eating away at my mental health and wellbeing so much
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