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so that was July?
Posted on Sunday, August 1, 2010 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
flippin' 'eck
So .... that was July? The sun finally arrived for the holidays. The holidays are almost half over and so far the Wee Guy has been to cycling, sailing and an overnight camp. He's grubby, tanned and happy. He can paddle a kayak, has lost his training wheels (finally) and fallen into the Burrard Inlet (out near the seals). And he wants to do it all again. Summer is way too short.
We've had a family camping trip, mosquitoes and rants included. We survived and enjoyed. I even felt like I had a holiday, despite being left with the pre-trip donkey work (leaking batteries aren't a vital part of camping equipment).
(left) our bug-infested 'home-away-from-home
I've had a whirlwind trip through imagining myself in outside employment - my resume is now dusted, my interview skills shaken out and I learned that I haven't been wasting the last nine years as a 'kept' woman (didn't get the job though!). I did however, find out what my gut reaction to putting the Wee Guy in full time after school care is. Despite my kvetching about frustration I just couldn't solve it by shutting him out of my/his life to that extent. However, as I explore other options, perhaps a restricted period of full time care will be necessary to achieve my flexible working goal? Dilemma. Not sure of anything yet except that it's something that I will have to set in place.And it will be something a lot more reliable than just casual playdates (which have not worked) or reliance on ad hoc arrangements.
Spent Canada Day selling my carp in the rain, followed by pancakes with firefighters, and then New Westminster Farmer's Market in blazing sunshine. Sold well in the rain but not in the sun where it was far too hot to even think about putting anything extra, including a bracelet, on.
self improvement?
I read an awful lot of books on depression in July. Hmmmm. Like putting money into the charity collecting tin they aren't a good luck charm, but I do now understand a huge amount more about myself ..... and what the future holds. :) I also read two Artemis Fowl novels (thumbs up - we've been listening to the audiobooks in the car) and some juggling motherhood/career/relationship self help books. Still haven't found the answers but have reminded myself how much I like reading.
portable crafting
I had a pedicure while knitting at the Port Moody Stitch and Bitch (thanks for organising this @yarnraptor). I still have cute turquoise green tootsies :) I've also knitted through tae kwon do lessons, the fireworks (see below), craft fairs, a family holiday and cycle camp.
My work's on display again. The artist cooperative is having a group show at the local arts centre, and my necklace is in the display case. Whoop! The wire crochet Summer Fun class was immense fun (thank you ladies!) and I've almost completed the associated paperwork (efficient ole me).
And to end July, we spent yesterday evening in Vancouver watching the Celebration of Lights firework display with the Wee Guy. It was his 'first' since leaving Vancouver for the 'burbs. When we lived in Kits we would trundle his stroller down Cypress to Vanier and gaze at the bright lights while he slept thru all the explosions! This time he stayed awake.
it's the one on the left!
writing and publishing
Scheduled a whole heap of blog posts and tweets for the Blackberry Artists, and managed to send out July's newsletter on time for Family Place (next step is re-vamping the website and sending out August's edition this evening).
Oh, and I changed my blog design, adding CommentLuv into the comments box so you can 'advertise' your latest blogging!
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- Snake Venom, Is This The New Botox?
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- so that was July?