Home > A Day In My Life > Veterans Day Changes Perception
Veterans Day Changes Perception
Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2010 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
A Day For Changing My Perception
As I sit up in the wee hours of this morning, I wade through the many meaningless shows and infomercials just to find something which will distract me from the worries and emotions I feel during this time of year. Having just finished with my skin cancer scare and the surgeries to remove them, and now having to pay the mounting bills which are now arriving in my mailbox, it is all I can do to move past the reality of how this economy has affected individual families and our entire nation....so much for health insurance...have to meet that deductible before it kicks in....and of course renewal is next month...can't wait to see the increases for the coming year....whir, whir, whir of my brain.
Panic and anxiety for many of us has become a daily occurrence.
As the Holidays approach, busy doesn't even begin to describe what happens within my family, but also within my business. We are working toward expanding with the launch of new products throughout 2011.
I am receiving feedback by the way of emails and phone calls, which serve me so well to further distract me from what might be eating me at the time. I truly do love hearing from my ladies when they take the time to contact me....your emails and phone calls do more than just reflect a business goal, but give me excitement and great pleasure when I am able to interact with so many of you that essentially have shared similar stories to mine and many others. The interactions keep me motivated to continue to do my best to bring you excellent customer care and exceptional mineral makeup and skincare products....my business goes beyond passion, but a complete love and sheer enjoyment of what I do.
Despite the many countless hours I spend working, sharing time with friends and family or simply stressing over what amounts to stupid stuff, my attention and focus is never more in tune to the images and stories of camaraderie and sacrifice which are being played out on early morning newscasts today.
The commissioning of the USS Jason Dunham is being celebrated today along with remembrance being shared in memory by those that are alive today due to the heroic act of this soldier serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004. Cpl. Jason Dunham of the U.S. Marine Corps gave his life at age 22 to save the lives of his platoon.
By using his helmet and body to shield his fellow Marines from a grenade, Dunham made the ultimate sacrifice. He died a week later.
A military ship has now been named in his honor. Currently, the USS Jason Dunham, a 510-foot-long missile destroyer, is stationed at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The warship will be commissioned into the U.S. Navy on Saturday.
There are countless stories of our military heroes giving up so much, including the very lives of which they live and love with family and friends, only to now be thrown into a war through no making of their own and being faced with those that only want to kill them. They then rely on the friendships they create overseas and the trust they place in that friendship to keep them from harm. A truly remarkable courage they possess to perform this duty asked of them by the people in charge of our nation.
As I listen to the many stories of life lost to a war that now exceeds the time frame of the Vietnam War, it reminds me of how fortunate I am and that my mind taking and growing what may seem like a catastrophic event in my day, is simply paltry in comparison to the families daily lives serving in the military.
Many of us are worried about our future, the stability of our nation, the future of generations to come and the economic climate, but through all of that, if we simply focus on those around us, be giving of our time, always remember to show some kindness and SMILE, our day can be a special day depending on our perspective! Because it is so true, when you smile, it puts others at ease and worry, fear, anxiety and even depression seem to be lifted when greeted with a smile. And when those things are lifted from our hearts and souls, our day is a little brighter and I remind myself the SUN will come up again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that.
Perception is reality, so by changing our perception, we can literally create our own reality. And today Veterans Day has changed mine and brought me back to reality of what truly matters to me. God, Family, Friends, Health and Ability to Persevere....and finally, taking to heart "this too shall pass" for all of us.
Blessings to all the military and their families who sacrifice much!
Hugs and Kisses!

Panic and anxiety for many of us has become a daily occurrence.
As the Holidays approach, busy doesn't even begin to describe what happens within my family, but also within my business. We are working toward expanding with the launch of new products throughout 2011.
I am receiving feedback by the way of emails and phone calls, which serve me so well to further distract me from what might be eating me at the time. I truly do love hearing from my ladies when they take the time to contact me....your emails and phone calls do more than just reflect a business goal, but give me excitement and great pleasure when I am able to interact with so many of you that essentially have shared similar stories to mine and many others. The interactions keep me motivated to continue to do my best to bring you excellent customer care and exceptional mineral makeup and skincare products....my business goes beyond passion, but a complete love and sheer enjoyment of what I do.
Despite the many countless hours I spend working, sharing time with friends and family or simply stressing over what amounts to stupid stuff, my attention and focus is never more in tune to the images and stories of camaraderie and sacrifice which are being played out on early morning newscasts today.
The commissioning of the USS Jason Dunham is being celebrated today along with remembrance being shared in memory by those that are alive today due to the heroic act of this soldier serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004. Cpl. Jason Dunham of the U.S. Marine Corps gave his life at age 22 to save the lives of his platoon.
By using his helmet and body to shield his fellow Marines from a grenade, Dunham made the ultimate sacrifice. He died a week later.
A military ship has now been named in his honor. Currently, the USS Jason Dunham, a 510-foot-long missile destroyer, is stationed at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The warship will be commissioned into the U.S. Navy on Saturday.
There are countless stories of our military heroes giving up so much, including the very lives of which they live and love with family and friends, only to now be thrown into a war through no making of their own and being faced with those that only want to kill them. They then rely on the friendships they create overseas and the trust they place in that friendship to keep them from harm. A truly remarkable courage they possess to perform this duty asked of them by the people in charge of our nation.
As I listen to the many stories of life lost to a war that now exceeds the time frame of the Vietnam War, it reminds me of how fortunate I am and that my mind taking and growing what may seem like a catastrophic event in my day, is simply paltry in comparison to the families daily lives serving in the military.
Many of us are worried about our future, the stability of our nation, the future of generations to come and the economic climate, but through all of that, if we simply focus on those around us, be giving of our time, always remember to show some kindness and SMILE, our day can be a special day depending on our perspective! Because it is so true, when you smile, it puts others at ease and worry, fear, anxiety and even depression seem to be lifted when greeted with a smile. And when those things are lifted from our hearts and souls, our day is a little brighter and I remind myself the SUN will come up again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that.
Perception is reality, so by changing our perception, we can literally create our own reality. And today Veterans Day has changed mine and brought me back to reality of what truly matters to me. God, Family, Friends, Health and Ability to Persevere....and finally, taking to heart "this too shall pass" for all of us.
Blessings to all the military and their families who sacrifice much!
Hugs and Kisses!
Category Article A Day In My Life
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