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Acne Scar Treatment - Ways to Eliminate Scars
Posted on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
Eighty-Percent (80%) of Acne infected population are the teenagers and young adults. This is since they are more subjected to the cabal of increase oil secretion from unctuous glands and increase shedding of dead cells of the hide, which later will result to comedones. Therefore, if bacteria infect these clogged follicles, closed or inflamed, acne may expand.
After acne has healed, it determination certainly leave a scar on your derm. Therefore, in treating acne scars, you acquire to ensure first that your hide if free from active acne. If so is still present on your pelt, you have to undergo the soothing process first. Once your skin is distinct from active acne, you are after this down on the decision whether which kind of acne scar treatment is fitting for you.
Different Types of Acne Scars
1. Icepick scars - these are severe, narrow scars that make a punctured look on your skin.
2. Boxcar scars - these are plump or oval shaped depressions and usually desire sharp and vertical edges.
3. Rolling scars - these gives one undulating or rolling appearance on the pelt's surface.
There are a fate of acne scar treatments. Each method of treating has its corresponding benefits and jeopard to take in aiming to bring to consummation a smooth appearance of the skin. Below are examples of effective acne precipitous bank treatments.
1. Dermal Fillers - this type of treatment aims to raise your skin's superficies to give a smoother outlook. Dermal fillers similar as bovine collagen, fat, hyaluronic acid, human collagen, etc. are injected without interrupti~ your skin.
2. Punch Excision - this emblem of treatment is intended on treating icepick and boxcar scars. It uses a pickle-herring tool that is basically round "cookie cutter" shaped. The dimensions of the punch tool must square with the size of the cliff's wall. The scar is therefore removed using this tool and the cutting side of the skin is stitched together.
3. Punch Excision (by Skin Graft Replacement) - conscientious like the treatment mentioned above, the injury is also removed with the application of a punch tool. The singly difference is that the skin is not stitched in concert rather it will be filled with the skin taken from the back of your musical perception.
4. Punch Elevation - this type of handling is used on normal appearing bases or keen edged deep boxcar scars. A jack-pudding tool is also used in removing the cliff's base, which leaves the mark's walls intact. The removed base is elevated without interrupti~ the surface of your skin and attached it by dermabond.
5. Subcutaneous Incision - this emblem of treatment is usually used in treating the causes of rolling scars. A beveled needle is inserted subject to your skin to parallel the infected definite space on the skin's surface. After what one., the needle is pulled in in the same manner as to cut the tethering bands.
6. Laser resurfacing - this is the principally popular type of acne scar handling. This burns the top most bed. of the skin with depth exactness. The skin will then heal and replaced the burned stratum with new smoother appearing skin.
If you wish to suffer acne scar treatment, you have to take into account your dermatologist first about what model of treatment is suitable with your acne defect condition. This treatment may be a trivial bit costly, but if it faculty of volition give you the satisfaction of having a smoother, flawless skin, then the treatment is character the cost!
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