self portrait thursday: so how am i/are we going to get through this?

oh noes
oh noes! the summer holidays!

Yes, all ten weeks of summer vacation without the 'free' childminding that is 'fulltime' schooling in place.

Well, we have plans! I have plans, even the Wee Guy has plans. Even mr ebb had plans but his were a bit more extreme than ours so we won't mention them out loud.
We tacked a huge sheet of paper to the wall, roughed out a grid calendar and mapped out the (many) weeks we had ahead of us. The Wee Guy has filled in all his summer camps and I have added a few other activities. Alongside the calendar is an equally huge sheet with all the drop-in programs and excursions available in the area.

We're both reasonably confident we'll make it through .......... somehow.

oh noes part 2
oh noes: part 2

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