self portrait thursday: brr plainly nippy out

there is no way snow is going down this neck
Being in celebration of the Etsy Self Portrait Thursday challenge where a bunch of Etsy sellers indulge in online vanity by taking pics of themselves

It's that time of the week again, and this time of the week is a snow day. Wee Guy was enormously excited (and well enough) to go to school this morning (I got a call from school yesterday mid-morning to pick him up cos of one episode of vomit)(!)(which he recovered from before I even wrangled him to the car) and I managed to struggle in to college to read the email from the tutor telling me that class was cancelled.

c'est la vie

Which brings me on to Plain English. My homework for today's invisible class.
So, in the interests of clarity, I really shouldn't have included a foreign phrase in my post.
But I have done.
Because there is nothing business-y about a self portrait thursday post.
The two paragraphs on Plain English aka Plain Language will be rendered unto Caesar in due course (which, in translation, means before next thursday).

This morning the world was encased in a wondrous whiteness which the Wee Guy and I gazed on in amazement prior to consuming our morning repast. Suitably attired (see above picture - i cannot bear anything cold down the back of my neck) we ventured forth in pursuit of our day's activities, he to the tender care of his in loco parentis supervision, and myself variously to my literary studies, my communications, and to a local seat of higher learning where I diligently pursued my studies. After sufficient and earnest application to my books I thence returned via snowy avenues to restock the household perishables, appraise myself of the morrow's ventures and ultimately to resume parental activities with the fruit of my partner's loins. Following ample repast, we completed ablutions and fell into blissful slumber.

It had snowed during the night which made the Wee Guy very excited and the roads crap to drive on. After breakfast I dumped him at daycare then scrambled thru homework, emails and drove to a non-existent class at college. Pissed around for a while at college then drove back thru slush. Bought veggies, prepped for a wire crochet class tomorrow then collected the wee blighter. Fed him, made sure he washed properly then went to bed.

Happy Thursday!

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