SPT 6th January 2011: sisters, sisters

... did you ever see such sisters?

Sadly, she's flying home tomorrow :(
We've (well, I've) had a blast having her to stay this Christmas and New Year. It's been great having someone to natter with, who knows what to do during meal prep without being asked. She's been an aunty par excellence and has wowed the Wee Guy with the biggest book of science yet (bravely arming him with the knowledge to disprove all her wacky theories).

We've been cross country skiing, snowshoing, shopping, thrifting and art gallerying. I've had adult company (though not always the most mature - pixies and chlorophyll for example) and a buddy for my daily errands, but tomorrow evening we have to stop the fun, board the plane and put the revelry aside for six months until I can head back to Scotland for the summer.

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