self portrait thursday: and what now?

I'm cheating a little (OK, a lot) with 'today's' self portraits - they're yesterday's, taken while I was setting up for "home is where the heart is" exhibit. .... and now it's done! My bench is empty and there are only a couple of projects in waiting. I even finished my taxes today!!

This is the first time in six months where I don't have anything looming on the horizon. There are no deadlines unless I conjure them up, and I'm only taking one college course this semester.

I admit - I'm a little worried if I will cope with the relative inactivity. I can already feel myself rushing to add things to my empty-ish to-do list and plot out a roadmap on my desk planner. Of course, I do have a few pet projects around but it just doesn't seem enough. However, I'm thinking that the sensible (mature) thing to do would be to take a small break, keep it slow and simple, and try to commit only to what I can focus on 100%

.... so I've just emailed about an internship for a couple of months!

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