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Sterling Minerals Important Company News and Updates!
Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2010 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
Hi Everyone,
We are very excited about a new feature we have added to our website. So this week I
just wanted to share some things that we are doing of late and invite you to join in at any opportunity. Plus to let you know what is happening with several of our products.
Beauty News & Events
We have added a new page within the website for keeping our customers up to date on a daily basis or as things happen in that day.
It is our New Beauty News & Events. This will grow daily throughout the week within categories that we have created and when you visit the page you can subscribe to the feed either through email subscription or just click the orange RSS feed button.
The Skin Care Guide will continue with its informative weekly articles but the Beauty News & Events will be more spontaneous, address many things that the typical blog cannot answer and will be an excellent tool for a one stop shop when looking for something that interests you. Only two categories are showing right now since we just launched it on Monday. Take a peek by clicking on one of the hypertexted titled links, and the recent post explains in further detail what you can expect from this new integrated portion of our site. We are also welcoming feedback or suggestions on what you may wish to have us address and we will be glad to consider all ideas as they may be helpful to our customers.
Articles such as this one will no longer be issued through the Skin Care Guide and will be reserved for Beauty News & Events. So any product issues will be located in this new section of our website along with Special Offers and many other things. I personally felt that waiting for this time of the week to role around before updating you, my customers, on certain elements of the business was not conducive to your needs or with us keeping it timely. On occasion we may add a supplement to the weekly skin care guide article if we posted something on our site we feel you shouldn't miss out on such as one of our special offers like Grecian Secret Body Souffle we announced in the Sarva Soap Review.
I sincerely hope you will enjoy this feature as much as I am excited about bringing it to you and how much faster we can respond to your needs through this new business tool.
You will notice that our side menu bar has been reduced and is less busy with the new update when you enter into our mineral makeup website now. We have also removed the twitter box and replaced it with an updated article piece for quick overview of what is new or the latest question which may have been asked by one of our customers, etc, etc.
Lip Colors
Our Plum Fairy and Peony Pink Lipsticks are back in stock after a brief delay in getting these freshly batched. For those that have been waiting, they are ready to go.
Mineral Makeup Brushes
We have been having some issues with getting a pieces part for construction of these wonderful cosmetics brushes. For the most part we have access to most of the line with more on the way next week.
The brushes we are currently waiting on are Chubby Blender, Large Buki, and Small Rounded Face (2 left in stock). We are hoping we will see a resolve by the end of the month. The Jumbo Buffer and Small Pointed Face Brush will be back in stock middle of next week.
Your Opinion Matters
Write to us and let us know what you think or share your suggestions....it is all important to us in keeping things working for you. After all it is you and your input that keeps our creative juices flowing.
Sharing Latest Article On FDA, And Clearly Cosmetics Are Not The Only One's Under Attack
Thought I would share this Article with you about natural healthy foods we eat,
and let it speak for itself. I will say this, Walnuts and Cherries have had numerous medical articles written about their many health benefits ...... there is hypocrisy "a brewin" with lobbyists for huge pharma drug companies, and they are having a "say so" in what we are putting in our bodies since health supplements and healthy dietary foods are seriously a threat to prescription drugs' bottom line. Doctors everywhere are promoting the healthier side of the foods we should be eating to stave off disease and illness with much of the findings being written up in medical journals.
Furthermore, there are no more perks allowed to be given to doctors to promote a certain drug, therefore doctors are waking up and smelling the coffee in terms of providing thorough research on what a person should be doing to eat right to keep ourselves healthy and out of the doctors' office.
Besides where would that favorite cocktail be without the glorious cherry or your special cake with the cherry on top? Just a little perk for the special indulgence one may partake in!
Senator John McCain proposed a bill to stop the sale of health supplements by making it illegal in this country to do so. You will find a link to that Article here. You will also see the outcome of what consumers wanted and the outpouring of support against this type of control. This is the followup Article here, with the latest as of 2 days ago as this is presented in FDA Food Modernization Act (S. 510)
This website is an outstanding resource for keeping you up to date on many issues surrounding healthy and natural living. You may wish to bookmark it or sign up for their newsletter to keep you informed since they are keeping in the loop as events happen.
What say you? Is this good or bad for the consumer and / or is it more anti-small business legislation? How do you feel about choice versus government interference with your healthy choices?
This battle was very similar to what they were proposing in the Colorado Personal Care Products Safety Act. Our voices were heard and it was similarly defeated. If you can, show your support when you are in favor of defeating any of this type of legislation that simply put, removes your freedom to choose, then stand up and make your voice heard. We still can make a difference!
Well that's it for me this week and I hope you'll join us at our Beauty News & Events.
Have a great weekend and we are finally going to be enjoying some warmer weather this weekend....can't wait!
We are very excited about a new feature we have added to our website. So this week I

Beauty News & Events
We have added a new page within the website for keeping our customers up to date on a daily basis or as things happen in that day.
It is our New Beauty News & Events. This will grow daily throughout the week within categories that we have created and when you visit the page you can subscribe to the feed either through email subscription or just click the orange RSS feed button.
The Skin Care Guide will continue with its informative weekly articles but the Beauty News & Events will be more spontaneous, address many things that the typical blog cannot answer and will be an excellent tool for a one stop shop when looking for something that interests you. Only two categories are showing right now since we just launched it on Monday. Take a peek by clicking on one of the hypertexted titled links, and the recent post explains in further detail what you can expect from this new integrated portion of our site. We are also welcoming feedback or suggestions on what you may wish to have us address and we will be glad to consider all ideas as they may be helpful to our customers.
Articles such as this one will no longer be issued through the Skin Care Guide and will be reserved for Beauty News & Events. So any product issues will be located in this new section of our website along with Special Offers and many other things. I personally felt that waiting for this time of the week to role around before updating you, my customers, on certain elements of the business was not conducive to your needs or with us keeping it timely. On occasion we may add a supplement to the weekly skin care guide article if we posted something on our site we feel you shouldn't miss out on such as one of our special offers like Grecian Secret Body Souffle we announced in the Sarva Soap Review.
I sincerely hope you will enjoy this feature as much as I am excited about bringing it to you and how much faster we can respond to your needs through this new business tool.
You will notice that our side menu bar has been reduced and is less busy with the new update when you enter into our mineral makeup website now. We have also removed the twitter box and replaced it with an updated article piece for quick overview of what is new or the latest question which may have been asked by one of our customers, etc, etc.
Lip Colors
Our Plum Fairy and Peony Pink Lipsticks are back in stock after a brief delay in getting these freshly batched. For those that have been waiting, they are ready to go.
Mineral Makeup Brushes

The brushes we are currently waiting on are Chubby Blender, Large Buki, and Small Rounded Face (2 left in stock). We are hoping we will see a resolve by the end of the month. The Jumbo Buffer and Small Pointed Face Brush will be back in stock middle of next week.
Your Opinion Matters
Write to us and let us know what you think or share your suggestions....it is all important to us in keeping things working for you. After all it is you and your input that keeps our creative juices flowing.
Sharing Latest Article On FDA, And Clearly Cosmetics Are Not The Only One's Under Attack
Thought I would share this Article with you about natural healthy foods we eat,

Furthermore, there are no more perks allowed to be given to doctors to promote a certain drug, therefore doctors are waking up and smelling the coffee in terms of providing thorough research on what a person should be doing to eat right to keep ourselves healthy and out of the doctors' office.

Senator John McCain proposed a bill to stop the sale of health supplements by making it illegal in this country to do so. You will find a link to that Article here. You will also see the outcome of what consumers wanted and the outpouring of support against this type of control. This is the followup Article here, with the latest as of 2 days ago as this is presented in FDA Food Modernization Act (S. 510)
This website is an outstanding resource for keeping you up to date on many issues surrounding healthy and natural living. You may wish to bookmark it or sign up for their newsletter to keep you informed since they are keeping in the loop as events happen.
What say you? Is this good or bad for the consumer and / or is it more anti-small business legislation? How do you feel about choice versus government interference with your healthy choices?
This battle was very similar to what they were proposing in the Colorado Personal Care Products Safety Act. Our voices were heard and it was similarly defeated. If you can, show your support when you are in favor of defeating any of this type of legislation that simply put, removes your freedom to choose, then stand up and make your voice heard. We still can make a difference!
Well that's it for me this week and I hope you'll join us at our Beauty News & Events.
Have a great weekend and we are finally going to be enjoying some warmer weather this weekend....can't wait!
Category Article Company News, Holistic And Healthy Lifestyle, Product Labeling
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