what do i do all day: this was wednesday

Wee Guy goes off to school and I settle down to a strict hour of answering emails and setting up blog posts (OK, it stretched to an hour and a half .... there were lots of emails ..... honest!). Thank goodness for Wordless Wednesday.

Oh, and there was some laundry (again).

Then there was an escape for freedom where I left the house for an hour to capture some shots for the Blackberry Artists blog for the next week.  Good fodder as there is one new featured artist and two others have displays outside the gift shop too.  

Back to the house .... lunch. Finished up with the blogging,  then out again for My First Ever Photo Shoot. ArtsConnect, who are running the Art Walk studio tour, had lined up an interview with the local media featuring two of their new artists (myself and Vicki Allesia) at a new venue (Tealicious tea rooms in Port Moody, home of the most delicious lapsang souchong .... evah). I was asked to take some of my jewelry and to visit the venue to discuss staging the event. It totally never really sank in with me that I might be photographed (!duh!) so, while I wished my hair was looking a little more tamed, at least I had my zingy new thrift top to make me look less thrown together. (Vicki looked very polished and stylish btw - she was ready for the session!) It was fun though I still hate having my photograph taken (article comes out Wednesday).

Back home again .... more lunch (ginormous sandwich - homemade bread) then on to collect Wee Guy from school. Met by serious looking teacher who told me that Wee Guy "had a rough day". Heart sinks. Up to classroom to find Wee Guy putting a brave face on it all. He's been doing so well recently, his counselor has been working miracles with him, so I know he's feeling down. Back home. Chocolate milk then an afternoon of non-stop fun with mum = shopping for a pink T shirt and pocket money spending at Value Village, followed by a new ink cartridge (it had to be done, but he got a quick browse thru the Wii games), a "How To Train Your Dragon" happy meal at McD's (it's a treat, don't hate) then my pièce de résistance - a Big City cupcake! Big smiles.

Home. Cook dinner (OK reheat soup, pull anything vaguely dinner-ish from fridge and shout voila!). Feed family. Feed cat. Feed guinea pigs. Bath time. Bedtime. More work on computer ...... zzzzz.

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