tonight, for one night only .....

Faythe Levine's documentary, Handmade Nation is screening tonight in Vancouver (check out my previous blog post here for a sneak peek).
Andrea and Rob, the amazing Got Craft dynamic duo have also arranged for an artisan market showcasing local designers and their wares. It will be anexciting night, with the film maker in attendance for a Q&A session at the end.

... ahem (nervous cough) - I'll be there too with my ebbandflo goodies, including the new daisy chain seen above. It's an opera-length necklace of blue Czech glass pearls nestled in handmade wire crochet flower petals. It's a little bit delicate, a little bit summery and a very much girly girly.

I'd love someone to come test drive it for me!
PS: there's a version with gold flowers around too!

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