Friday forte: dinner date

Well, my dinner date was in fine form this evening and successfully hauled me out of my migraine. I think the high protein sushi meal at Sango also helped. (For locals, I would wholeheartedly recommend it for family dining; fast service, tasty platters and bite-size morsels.)
It wasn't quite the date night I had planned due to the headache but we still had fun. I was too sick to drive far but he was pleased with ice cream at Rubens for dessert. Later he brought me his toys for my bath,and then settled down for a Spiderman cartoon session snuggled up next to me in bed. Good times! and Mr ebb flies back this evening too :)
Sometimes it's good to go slow.

PS: this was blogged by phone (yes, I'm going on and on about it. ........ but it's exciting squweee!

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