self portrait thursday: multi tasking the day away

So, while I was needle felting this little flower onto a wire crochet collar I was also letting the paint on my toes dry, and operating the camera for my entry to the Self Portrait Thursday group over on flickr.

SPT 9th July

And now, while I'm sitting in Starbucks drinking my happy birthday beverage (Suter Brook, not Newport Village where the server yells "Happy Birthday" with so much gusto that you wish you were invisible) I'm blogging from my flickr account and checking out the new micro SD card which arrived for my smartphone this morning.

With the new phone I'll be able to multi task whenever, wherever .... or wherever there is a wireless connection since I haven't got a data plan attached. I do like the idea of being able to fill in spare moments meaningfully but I'm not that keen on being in constant contact. I do like twitter and I may find it useful to stay in touch as I roam, but I rather like my life 'untethered'. I find it handy to make cellphone calls but I'm also deaf enough to 'ignore' anyone calling me.

Multi tasking, yes; constant contact, no.
How do you live your life, bathed in this wireless glow?

i'm posting pics of the finished felting on the other blog

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