taking time (almost tempo rubato)

by lunchtime, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.
Not quite a tempo rubato moment but almost.

This week I'm trying to follow the advice of an online bloggy friend who is "taking back her lunch hour". Well, whoops dammit! I forgot yesterday but certainly made up for it today.

My creation

This morning, after dropping off the Wee Guy at school, I made a cup of tea and settled down on the bench on the deck to read thru a couple of fashion magazines (purely in the interests of research for the jewelry business, honest - Fall/Winter trends and all that). It was just warm enough to read comfortably and not feel like hurrying in from the chill. A good start to the day (I made some more long daisy chains to replace the ones sold in the Blackberry Gift Shop last week ... woot!).

As I toiled in my dim studio (my workroom is on the gloomy side of the house) the clouds scuttered and the sun came out. By lunchtime, which I remembered about today, the deck was like a sauna. My tomato tart and salad tasted positively mediterranean. I read cookery magazines and stayed away from work.


It's damned difficult scheduling decent breaks in the day working from home. If I do get up from my bench, there's this piece of housewark and that bit of tidying up to do. Work surrounds me. Though I am very good at ignoring the domestic crises, I do find that with limited time I tend to spend every last minute 'working' until I have to pick up the Wee Guy after school. It's not very efficient and it's not very smart.

Working smarter not longer.
Bon appetit!

PS: the watch waited until school pick up time to go all rubato on me

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