On Décolleté and La Isha Skincare Review

Before this week’s post begins be sure to check out my latest video on How I Store my Makeup. In the video I show you my (capsule) makeup collection, give you a tour of our master bathroom and show you how I maximize storage for beauty items in our small space. To view the video, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog or visit: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

And now to this week’s post On Décolleté…

I spend an awful lot of time and attention taking care of the skin on my face and neck. I try out numerous products, slather myself with the best creams and serums, wear sunglasses and sunscreens, do research on the latest technologies, religiously use my Clairisonic and get regular facials. Phew! This is all in the attempt, of course, to be, well, beautiful. I want to have perfect skin and I want it for a long time. I long to age gracefully and to do everything I can to make that happen.

But what about the rest of my body? I give the rest of my body only a fraction of the attention that I pay to my face and neck. I was recently reminded of this by Marguerite, a reader of The Daily Connoisseur, when she reminded me in the comment section of a Le No Makeup Look post about the importance of wearing sunscreen on my hands and arms on a daily basis. (I admitted I only use sunscreen on my face and neck). While I don’t have any age or sunspots now, that might not be the case in a couple of years and prevention is the best course of action… while there is still hope!

Marguerite’s comment got me thinking (thank you Marguerite!) What is the point of spending so much time preventing sun damage and aging of the face if we do not do the same for the rest of the body?

Only giving special attention to your face and neck would be like dressing for the day and not looking at yourself from all angles before stepping out the front door. Perhaps there is a rip in your stockings from the back or a hole in your trousers! I was reminded that it is important to look at the whole picture with regards to your beauty regimen.

Right about the time when this was all happening I was contacted by La Isha, an all natural holistic skincare company wanting to know if I would be interested in reviewing their product Breast SOS (pictured above)- a topical serum derived from essential oils that helps maintain the beauty and health of the décolleté. The offer to review really could not have come at a better time because I started to think about my décolleté which has also been sadly neglected my whole life. I’ve never done any beauty treatment or preventative measure to that area. And while it looks just fine now, what will it look like in 10 or 15 years? I got back to La Isha and agreed to try out Breast SOS. It was time I started to pay equal attention to the rest of my body.

After using Breast SOS for the better part of a month (I apply the serum only at night) I have been very pleased with the results. La Isha purports that it helps tone, firm and rejuvenate chest and breast area, fade age spots, hyperpigmentation, and minimize appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and skin-creases. Now, it is important for me to say that I don’t actually have any of the above maladies yet so I could not report on whether or not the product got rid of age spots or wrinkles in that area. But what it did do for me was help my décolleté feel moisturized, elastic and well, radiant. It has a very potent aroma due to its herbal composition (mainly pomegranate seed oil) and it is for that reason I only wear it at night. Also after applying Breast SOS I would get a pleasing, tingling sensation on my skin in the area applied indicating that something was happening. What that something is- who knows! It’s probably just my skin in that area rejoicing in finally being pampered after so many years of neglect!

Breast SOS is a really innovative product. Incidentally La Isha also has an entire great line of skincare including creams, serums and scrubs to target the aging process naturally. I had agreed to review Breast SOS but out of courtesy they sent me small samples of some of their other skincare products. I particularly like their aromatherapy face wash, coconut orange skin polish and their pomegranate moisture booster. Because I only used the small samples for about a week I am not able to do a comprehensive review on them here (I like to try a product for at least three weeks before recommending it). But what I did notice from sampling the skincare products was that they are of a very nice consistency, are very gentle on the skin and did not make me break out (a huge plus for me!) I do need to mention, however, that most of the products have a very potent scent due to their all natural use of botanical herbs and medical grade essential oils. The scent might be strong for some but it is nice to know that there is nothing artificial about the fragrances attributed to the products.

La Isha is another great company, run by women, environmentally friendly and with all natural products that is worth exploring. Visit their website: www.la-isha.com for more information or click here to go directly to Breast SOS.

Now I realize that taking care of my décolleté has opened the door to an entire world that I have been otherwise blissfully ignoring. The world of neck firming creams, cellulite creams, wrinkle prevention creams, etc. But I do remind myself that finding these special tonics is one of the secrets that French women employ to look great as they age without resorting to surgery. So to that I say, bring it on!

I would love to know… with skincare do you focus mainly on the face and neck? Or do you take care of the whole body with equal attention?

For more information on Breast SOS please visit: www.la-isha.com

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