self portrait thursday: share

bendy and stretchy gear for this morning's chiropractic appointment
Tuff yoga pants (thrifted), New Balance shoes (thrifted), Vanoc jacket and top

Being in celebration of the Etsy Self Portrait Thursday challenge where a bunch of Etsy sellers indulge in online vanity by taking pics of themselves

So I'm still taking the vanity pics. Maybe just not blogging them recently. The creative block is lifting - I'm starting to see little glimmers of 'what if's' and 'that would be nice in fibre' creeping into my everyday observations. I find it a welcome relief from some of the heavier topics intruding in on me these days.
Plus the never ending to-do list (domestic and business), plus homework, plus the rain ...
This weekend is a craft fair, next week is a week closer to the end of the school year, and the week after that I have some more homework due. So I should be getting off my butt and labeling inventory, making travel plans, and writing about an incident in my past. The first two are easy but still haven't happened. The latter has happened. It's not that I have a boring, mundane, monotonous past but I have baggage which I don't particularly want to share At This Moment In Time Thank You, so I'm sifting memories. Some incidents are still too viscerally raw to share and would shred my emotions; some are niggling and as yet unresolved; some should remain buried. Ho hum. I'll probably end up writing about when I got the shit kicked out of me since it's the least painful (seriously!).

self portrait june 2nd SPT June 2nd
looking for beads (outfit number 2: White Stuff dress, black leggings, thrifted boots and Zara cardi, handknit crazy-stripe socks (to stop too-big boots falling off)

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