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meet me on monday
Posted on Monday, September 20, 2010 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
that's me on the right btw
A new way to start the week, courtesy of Java at Never Growing Old (another 40plus blogger) via Kristin Dudish, a fellow Silliness2 alumnus (thank you for that link).
Each Sunday Java posts a set of 'getting to know you' questions on her blog and then a link up post on Monday. I think I might join in :)
This week's questions;
1. What is your favorite all time movie?
It has to be "Heathers" - deeply subversive, a choice I will probably have to hide from the Wee Guy once he's 'of age' and probably one I won't find as entertaining once he's at high school anyway, but for now it reminds me a lot of growing up relatively unpopular and on the fringes. Ah, and a wonderfully young Christian Slater (oh my youth).
2. How often do you go over the speed limit?
Never if I can help it (it's an immigrant thing). Yes, I'm the slow lady motoring up Mountain Boulevard at rush hour, sticking to the speed limit.
3. What really gives you the creeps?
Flecks of spittle at the corners of the mouth urgh.
4. What is your favorite snack?
toast, butter and honey (strangely enough, not chocolate)
5. Would you rather be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?
neither, i've never imagined myself as a non-human and don't intend starting now
PS: for silliness from me and the wee guy check here!
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