team Foord

team Foord, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Today we took part in the annual Port Moody Terry Fox run. It was a wet and rainy start to the day, low cloud covered the inlet and it would have been much easier to roll back over to sleep in bed than get up.
Luckily (?) mr ebb read the time on the clock wrong and we got up early (waaaaay early) to carb load for our 'race'.

So we were on time at City Hall to register, hand over our pledges, and soak up the festive atmosphere. Local musician, Tony Prophet was playing encouraging wake up and dance music to get us on our toes (and later played along during the pre race stretch and warm up - beats the usual 'thunk thunk thunk' of cardio classes), and Runners Den in Newport Village had teamed up with adidas to sponsor a football goal shoot for the kids. Good times!


As you know, this is a race where nobody and everybody wins (except, hopefully, cancer). Inspired by an extremely brave young Canadian and continued by his even braver family, this event is now in its thirty years, surpassing the dollar for every Canadian which Terry initially set out to achieve.

four paws good
everybody runs, on however many feet they possess

This year, we ran in memory of a grandmother and a great grandmother. I ran, I guess, as a survivor (my tale is so mild in comparison but i still live with annual check ups) and we ran as a family for almost the total 3k course.


and PS: the Terry Fox National School Run happens at the end of September - why not sponsor the Wee Guy's school?? Every little bit helps :)

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