friday forte: MIA (mi acorn!)

My acorn!, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

I adore social media. I love being able to reach out across the globe to my online life, to friends in other countries and just down the street, to family in a different time zone, and all when it suits me in my crazy, busy life. No more coughing awkwardly on the phone trying to escape, or eyeballing the letter sitting in the hall patiently awaiting either a stamp or a trip to the mailbox (ain't gonna happen any time soon) - contact is easy to make as when it suits.

But, oh boy, can it be an interruption! Recently I feel as though I've been MIA, especially from twitter. I'm sure my Klout will take a nose dive, but a lot of social media is time consuming and a tempting diversion from That Which Needs To Be Done.

So I have been MIA .... and above is the reason. The load-in for the exhibition at Leigh Square is on Wednesday, and as of this morning I was still "missing" four pieces. In addition to this new school thang, my time has been in short enough supply - tweeting had to go (temporarily). I've been up to my armpits in dragonflies, acorns, little trees, and lichen. I've forgotten what colour my bench is!

But it's been worth it :) Of the last four projects, one is now completed and framed, another is awaiting polishing having been fired this afternoon, and the last ones are well on the way. This morning they, er, didn't really exist much.

PS: yes, that is my acorn on the exhibition poster :)

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