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The Art of the Toiletries Case
Posted on Monday, June 27, 2011 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
Before this week's post begins, be sure to check out my latest video: Le No Makeup Look- Defined Eye. In the video I show you a variation on my usual le no makeup look where I add subtle drama to my eyes. To see the video click here, look in the sidebar of this blog or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur.
And now for this week's post...

This post comes by request from Sandy who asks advice for the upcoming travel season on how to pack toiletries and makeup bags for travel.
This is not only a timely question (as travel season is upon us) but one that has been on my mind lately. I recently visited (twice!) the Paris Life & Luxury exhibit at the Getty Center (which I will do a separate post on in the near future) and spotted in the exhibit the most exquisite travel toiletries service in silver dating back to 1738-39. In the service was a box, a candle snuffer, a basin, table mirror, a set of brushes and small pots for cream. The set was so ornate and decadent. It made my plastic, see through Victoria’s Secret carrying case seem a bit inadequate… but oh was it fascinating to see how the Parisians perfected the art of travel back in the age of opulence. Sadly they would not let me take pictures or I would have loved to share it with you here. One can imagine though…
We are a family that travels a lot so I will share my tips for efficient traveling with toiletries and what I keep in my own cases (however inadequate they may be).
I always have my toiletries bag packed and ready to go at a moments notice. There is nothing more tiresome (or ‘tarsome’ as E.F. Benson’s Georgie would say) than packing at the last minute, stuffing toiletries into a travel bag only to realize you’ve gotten to your destination and forgotten deodorant or your specific shade of foundation.
I keep both my makeup and toiletries bag stocked at all times with everything I could possibly need. I know that all I need to do is pack the bags into my suitcase and I have nothing to worry about. If I run out of something I replace it instantly so I never have to double check to make sure everything is there.
My travel toiletries bag is the clear travel case from Victoria’s Secret pictured above. I got it on sale a few years ago and have been very pleased with it. I like being able to see what is packed in my bag.
These are the essential items I always have on hand in my toiletries case:
Shampoo, conditioner, body wash and hair styling products decanted into travel sized bottles and labeled accordingly (the body wash is crucial in case the soap where you are staying is not up to par)
Tooth brush and travel sized tooth paste
Deodorant- I love Kiehl’s superbly efficient antipersperant and deodorant cream and am quite lost without it!)
Nail polish remover pads- These are critical as well. You may start out the trip with a lovely manicure but your nail polish could chip and you might not be able to touch it up- much better to simply remove it.
Q tips and cotton squares
Body cream (either travel size or decanted into a bottle)
Sun block- for face and body
Travel sized facial cleanser and moisturizer
Eye makeup remover
Eye cream
Nail file
Clear nail polish and color nail polish- I always bring a clear polish. When I take my color off (if it has chipped for example) it is nice to go over my nails with a clear base coat. It feels more polished than bare nails- especially if you are going out to dinner or to something more formal. I tend to always use a neutral color on my nails (such as Essie's Mademoiselle or Diego Dalla Palma's French Pink) so I keep one of these shades in my case to do touch ups.

In the video How I Store My Makeup I briefly showed you my travel makeup bag (pictured above). Many of you were surprised to see that I have such a capsule makeup collection! I suppose I would have more but makeup can be quite expensive so I employ restraint and only get what I absolutely need. Because I usually wear le no makeup look anyway I never need too many items. This holds true for my travel makeup bag as well.
Because my travel makeup bag is small, I always keep it with me in my carry-on luggage. You never know when your bags could get lost … All those makeup and brushes are expensive and could be hard to replace depending on how remote your destination is.
The following are the indispensable items always on hand.
Tinted moisturizer or mineral foundation (this varies but I usually have either one or the other)
Bronzer- I always have this because when traveling its nice to feel, well… bronzed.
Blush – I either pack a crème blush or a gel blush like Posietint. They are easy to apply when on a plane or in a taxi…
An eyeshadow quad- I love Chanel and usually pick up a new one at duty free whenever I fly internationally
Clear lip gloss- Kiehls is my favorite
One or two lip colors- usually a light pink or neutral shade and a darker plum shade for night…
Eyebrow powder
Translucent powder
And don’t forget your brushes! I do not have separate brushes for travel so I pack my small set of brushes in their travel case and include it in my carry-on.
Voila! Those are my travel bag secrets. Even if you do not travel a lot it is a good idea to keep a stocked toiletries bag at all times… you never know when you will be whisked away!
Thank you, Sandy, for your request...
I would love to know… what do you keep in your toiletries bag?
The Daily Connoisseur is now available on Amazon Kindle
Follow me on twitter @jenlyneva
And now for this week's post...
This post comes by request from Sandy who asks advice for the upcoming travel season on how to pack toiletries and makeup bags for travel.
This is not only a timely question (as travel season is upon us) but one that has been on my mind lately. I recently visited (twice!) the Paris Life & Luxury exhibit at the Getty Center (which I will do a separate post on in the near future) and spotted in the exhibit the most exquisite travel toiletries service in silver dating back to 1738-39. In the service was a box, a candle snuffer, a basin, table mirror, a set of brushes and small pots for cream. The set was so ornate and decadent. It made my plastic, see through Victoria’s Secret carrying case seem a bit inadequate… but oh was it fascinating to see how the Parisians perfected the art of travel back in the age of opulence. Sadly they would not let me take pictures or I would have loved to share it with you here. One can imagine though…
We are a family that travels a lot so I will share my tips for efficient traveling with toiletries and what I keep in my own cases (however inadequate they may be).
I always have my toiletries bag packed and ready to go at a moments notice. There is nothing more tiresome (or ‘tarsome’ as E.F. Benson’s Georgie would say) than packing at the last minute, stuffing toiletries into a travel bag only to realize you’ve gotten to your destination and forgotten deodorant or your specific shade of foundation.
I keep both my makeup and toiletries bag stocked at all times with everything I could possibly need. I know that all I need to do is pack the bags into my suitcase and I have nothing to worry about. If I run out of something I replace it instantly so I never have to double check to make sure everything is there.
My travel toiletries bag is the clear travel case from Victoria’s Secret pictured above. I got it on sale a few years ago and have been very pleased with it. I like being able to see what is packed in my bag.
These are the essential items I always have on hand in my toiletries case:
Shampoo, conditioner, body wash and hair styling products decanted into travel sized bottles and labeled accordingly (the body wash is crucial in case the soap where you are staying is not up to par)
Tooth brush and travel sized tooth paste
Deodorant- I love Kiehl’s superbly efficient antipersperant and deodorant cream and am quite lost without it!)
Nail polish remover pads- These are critical as well. You may start out the trip with a lovely manicure but your nail polish could chip and you might not be able to touch it up- much better to simply remove it.
Q tips and cotton squares
Body cream (either travel size or decanted into a bottle)
Sun block- for face and body
Travel sized facial cleanser and moisturizer
Eye makeup remover
Eye cream
Nail file
Clear nail polish and color nail polish- I always bring a clear polish. When I take my color off (if it has chipped for example) it is nice to go over my nails with a clear base coat. It feels more polished than bare nails- especially if you are going out to dinner or to something more formal. I tend to always use a neutral color on my nails (such as Essie's Mademoiselle or Diego Dalla Palma's French Pink) so I keep one of these shades in my case to do touch ups.
In the video How I Store My Makeup I briefly showed you my travel makeup bag (pictured above). Many of you were surprised to see that I have such a capsule makeup collection! I suppose I would have more but makeup can be quite expensive so I employ restraint and only get what I absolutely need. Because I usually wear le no makeup look anyway I never need too many items. This holds true for my travel makeup bag as well.
Because my travel makeup bag is small, I always keep it with me in my carry-on luggage. You never know when your bags could get lost … All those makeup and brushes are expensive and could be hard to replace depending on how remote your destination is.
The following are the indispensable items always on hand.
Tinted moisturizer or mineral foundation (this varies but I usually have either one or the other)
Bronzer- I always have this because when traveling its nice to feel, well… bronzed.
Blush – I either pack a crème blush or a gel blush like Posietint. They are easy to apply when on a plane or in a taxi…
An eyeshadow quad- I love Chanel and usually pick up a new one at duty free whenever I fly internationally
Clear lip gloss- Kiehls is my favorite
One or two lip colors- usually a light pink or neutral shade and a darker plum shade for night…
Eyebrow powder
Translucent powder
And don’t forget your brushes! I do not have separate brushes for travel so I pack my small set of brushes in their travel case and include it in my carry-on.
Voila! Those are my travel bag secrets. Even if you do not travel a lot it is a good idea to keep a stocked toiletries bag at all times… you never know when you will be whisked away!
Thank you, Sandy, for your request...
I would love to know… what do you keep in your toiletries bag?
The Daily Connoisseur is now available on Amazon Kindle
Follow me on twitter @jenlyneva
Category Article beauty, Makeup, travel
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