friday forte: giving on empty

flower m

One of the worst things about not knowing what I want to do and not having a clue about how to go about it anyway, is spending every day at home, trying to stay busy and maintain purpose. I had a huge drop in confidence, wondering what the heck I was thinking of so I quietly let the intern idea just die a slow, unnoticed death. Since then, I've been trying to get as much chocolate into me as possible in an effort to make some sense out of my world. Yes, I know I'll have to bite the bullet and push myself Out There into the land of work experience and 'real work' but till then I'll hide away.

One of the best things about not having purposeful aka salaried employment is having time on my hands. Earlier this year, my son's former ECE teacher was diagnosed with rapidly progressing ALS complicated by fronto-temporal dementia. She's 29 years old and dying. She has three children, the oldest is five years, and a loving husband wondering how on earth he's going to cope. Melissa and I lost touch when my wee guy started kindergarten, but another friend, the amazing Tammy, kept up the friendship and since learning the news has become a one-woman fundraising machine. She's already achieved over 1088 orders for cookie dough pails, and has a Zumba evening, silent auction, and Music in the Park day lined up.

... which is where little old stay-at-home me comes in. I donated a website,, so that Tammy can centralise the event information and keep her volunteers updated. I've also added a Donate Now button and linked it to a new PayPal account. If I can't donate money I can still give my time and skills to help a couple of friends. Good luck Tammy. Good luck Melissa.

So go! What's stopping you? Check out the website - see where you can help too.

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