Home > Skin Health > Cooling Facial Masks For Sunburn
Cooling Facial Masks For Sunburn
Posted on Thursday, June 2, 2011 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly
Oops I Did It Again

Remember the hours to avoid full sun exposure unless you are doing your Vitamin D synthesis for 15 minutes that day, are between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm.
Besides wanting to kick ourselves in the hiney and curse ourselves for not being more careful as we see the lovely cherry red begin to blossom by days end, we have one thing on our mind, to get cooling relief and to speed healing as quick as we can.
Sunburns are painful and are no laughing matter when they are severe. I personally have to constantly protect my nose since it always seems to be the one area of my face that catches all the rays. So wide brim hats are the order of the day for me, over and above using my mineral makeup, because some days I don't put on my minerals if having a lazy day around the house....and of course it seems to be those days that I spend the most time outside....good one!
Two Cooling Facial Masks
Today I wanted to share with everyone these wonderful face masks which you can also use on other areas of the body if need be. First and foremost, during the blossoming of your sunburn, keep cleansing simple, gentle and easy and use cool rather than warm water on your face and body.
Cooling and Moisturizing Mask
Combine 1 tablespooon of FULL FAT PLAIN yogurt with 1 teaspoon runny honey. If the honey is too thick, simply warm in the microwave for a few seconds.
Optional, if you have it available, add 3-4 drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil to the mask for their soothing and calming properties.
Apply to clean face and allow to sit on the face for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water, followed by your favorite moisturizer.
Question: Why Use Full Fat Yogurt? Because it is loaded with lipids, so it will provide the essential moisture the skin needs after a sunburn since a sunburn is very drying and damaging to skin.

You can use this everyday until the face feels and looks better.
Cooling and Pain Remedy Mask
In a blender or food processer, mix 200 mg aspirin, 1 small PEELED Cucumber and a 1/4 cup of Aloe, making sure it is alcohol free. Once it is transformed into a paste like consistency, refrigerate for 15 minutes and then apply to clean skin and leave on for 30 minutes, followed by a cool water rinse.
The aspirin will give a mild analgesic effect to the skin for pain, while the cucumber and aloe provide the healing and cooling effects to the sunburn.
You should apply this mask 2 x per day until the sunburn improves. Store the remainder mask in an airtight container in the fridge for up to several days, after that discard and make fresh. But after a couple of days your skin should feel greatly improved.
For Cooling Skincare
ONATI Skin Care products are excellent for keeping skin cool, hydrated, well moisturized, while using gentle, natural exfoliating ingredients to keep skin clean and clear.
So no matter your skin type, we have the solution for all women who suffer from varying skin maladies to having perfect skin.
My Medical Disclaimer:
Of course I am in no way a doctor and I am not giving medical advice, nor has the FDA validated any claim as to the benefits or efficacy of these recipes.....blah, blah, blah. I am just a gal who has on more than one occasion, burned my skin going out and enjoying a bit of yard work, only to regret my decision to not wear my sunhat or apply my mineral makeup foundation first.
However, this year, I have been very savvy ever since my skin cancer removal. These recipes are based on past experiences before I got my wake-up call.
As always, determine an allergy by testing a small patch on the skin first. If you have an allergy to aspirin do not add to the cucumber and aloe mask. They will still work well with exception of not having the pain reliever added. And of course in the event of a very bad sunburn, such as blistering, seek medical attention.
Also despite the once practice of sun lamps, acne is not cured by exposing our faces to sunshine, so keep covered up. It is and always will be about occlusion and bacteria in pores.
Have a lovely weekend and don't forget your sunscreen, otherwise you'll pay for it later in more ways than one.....speaking from experience.
Category Article Natural Skincare Recipes, Skin Health
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