i was tagged!

Yes, I was tagged - by Crystal of kizzdesigns so I now have to ramble on about some random ramblings about me.
  1. Baking is a stress-buster for me. I enjoy big batch cooking and then storing away the provisions in the freezer for more time-starved moments.
  2. My dog, Toby (see above), was left for me to euthanase one night at work. No one could give me a solid reason why such a sweet-tempered dog should warrant the death sentence except that his owners had got tired of him. I took him home. He lived with me for almost 15 years, and even emigrated to Canada with me. Sadly he was eventually put to sleep at the ripe old age of 15 due to failing health. I still miss him and his friend, Mauz, a lot.
  3. I used to be able to dance en pointe.
  4. At university, my favourite drinks were a white russian (with lemonade, not milk) or creme de menthe (!)
  5. I was a goth once upon a time.
OK - the rules say that I have to tag another six people but I'm sure my online friends will breathe a hearty sigh of relief if I just let it lie here!
Happy reading!

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