mixed (up) media coming soon ......

peas r green flotsam wire and fibre choker

peas r green flotsam wire and fibre choker-length necklace

In a burst of spring efficiency I have cleaned my desk and tidied my studio (but not too much). Spring Break is over so my blissful 2 and a bit hours of child-free-ness has resumed.

In translation I can now play catch up so excuse me if I'm not blogging v much - there are a million and one things with deadlines which I need to elminate.

... but I did get this choker finished, photographed and photoshopped to be ready for listing. Now I just need to list it ..... not sure where yet.

Oh, and I might get round to making some of the fuzzy balls as beading supplies .... when I get used to having some time to myself again!

PS: there are some naked balls here!

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