fibre the-day-after-friday (that would be saturday)

Over on my other (cough) work blog I've been blogging sporadic 'fibre friday' posts (which are warmer and fuzzier than the friday forte! posts here) about my adventures with, er, fibre.

But it's not just the creative side of me that gets to appreciate the wondrous ways of fibre.

So in the spirit of all that is so bloody marvellous about being a housewife let me sing the praises of the Mr Clean microfibre Magic Eraser (and no, I'm not being sponsored or paid or anything to review the product here - I'm not in that stellar league of mommy-bloggers-who-industry-gives-a-damn-about).

The poor dishevelled scrap in the picture above surrendered its life to remove two year's worth of bath crayon from the tiles and grout surrounding the Wee Guy's bath (yes, he has his own bath - we're posh out here in the 'burbs).

It didn't take any noxious wax-dissolving chemicals or over-application of elbow grease to remove the artistic tub graffiti, and now my tiles look almost sparkly once more.
  • eco cleaning method - check
  • no nasties poured down the drain - check
  • reasonable number of calories expended - check
  • clean tiles and non-grubby grout - check
Oh my cup of domestic happiness runneth over with glee.

(pass me the gin)

PS: come celebrate Father's Day (aka 'palm the kids off on Dad for some quality daddy-time' day) with me at the Blim market on car-free Sunday, Main Street!

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