in retrospect: June

happy hair
the rejuvenating effects of a blurred photo (oh yes, i'm only 22)

OK, June - Junuary, as it's known round here (and yes, you were indeed Junuary with only a few sunny breakthroughs) .... what did I achieve in June?

Well, on the business front there were three craft fair appearances; a municipal opening, a weekender and a very dismal street party. I'm slowly learning to be a lot pickier about when and where I turn up (and where I hand over the ash for table fees) these days. Two out of three this month wasn't bad. Supporting local events is hard work but can be a great way to network and meet new friends, or it can be a a freezing cold dismal and expensive way to subsidise someone else's street party (Car Free on Main Street = never again!).

day out at vancouver aquarium
with two out of three missing pals
The Wee Guy didn't get any more regular playdates scheduled but we did borrow a classmate for a couple of afternoons. He did also have a wonderful reunion with his best mate from babyhood (aww too sweet) but sadly it was only over a couple of afternoons before N and his bros returned to SK (we miss you guys).

capsule wardrobe challenge: day two
day 2 capsule wardrobe challenge: it got less scary-looking honest

On a personal level I learned a bit more about making my wardrobe work for me by taking part in a capsule wardrobe challenge. Phew! Five pieces for five days???? I managed but only by reclassifying camisole tops as underwear. I did however finally use the tripod mr ebb gave me and worked out a way of taking some semi-decent self portraits. I even smiled in some of them.

beach bracelet jellyfish
i wish i was a jellyfish ....... (it's a jellyfish, OK?)

As usual I ranted and fretted with a side order of daydreaming thrown in. Life was a beach over on my other blog, and I instituted a fibre friday series of blog posts to counteract the ranting over here.

So June, June ... whither June? And now it's the end of June and school is out (this morning OMG).
Summer is here

(OK show yourself!)

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