... and i forgot

rude tiger, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Forgot that I do have some bragging rights this week re: my ongoing goal of regular, reliable, trustworthy childcare.
Two of my solo-parented evenings this week involved me leaving the house. This was accomplished thus; one night of sleepover (thanks G and family), and one evening of babysitting (thanks N, Wee Guy wanted to know if you were still around to play the next morning so you left a very positive impression).

Oh, and some news for the beleaguered parents of Tri Cities. Lullaby League is hosting one of their speed-dating sessions on Monday, March 29th (location not yet confirmed). The cost of registration for parents is $52.50 and the event lasts for an hour of interviewing. Potential sitters are aged 18y and older, and currently enrolled in college or university.

Could be interesting!

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