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On my Grandmother- The Original Daily Connoisseur
Posted on Monday, February 8, 2010 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly

I spent the past weekend visiting my grandmother in the stroke rehabilitation center. My grandmother has had a tough month. She had a heart attack and two weeks later, a stroke. She is 87 years old- so these sorts of things tend to happen at her age- as my family so aptly reminds me, but it still doesn’t make it easier.
I could easily describe my grandmother, you see, as the original Daily Connoisseur. She is a woman that does not take a moment of her life for granted. She drinks sparkling cider out of her finest crystal, drinks coffee (always black) out of her best china, watches the sunset every day she is able and has pie for breakfast whenever she feels like it. In short, this is a woman who knows how to live- and live well.
She has been like this as long as I have known her. That is why when I saw her for the first time after her stroke, I was in for a shock. The normally vibrant lady I was used to- who loved going to jazz concerts on Sundays (she has a more active social life than I do)- was lying on a bed in the rehabilitation center, looking tired and weak- the left side of her face, slightly collapsed. I observed a quiet moment of sadness within myself but did not want to show it to her.
After spending the day with her, however, I quickly found that her stroke was merely an annoyance- a bump in the road, and that her same spirit and sense of humor still prevailed. She was, after all, still wearing her trademark hot pink lipstick, bribing the male nurses with marshmallows and overall, being an incredibly good sport.
I was happy to tell my grandmother that I have just completed my first novel and I told her when it is published (notice I said ‘when’ and not ‘if’- I am using the power of positive thinking here people) I will dedicate it to her. But until then, I dedicate this blog to her- to my grandmother, Lila- the original daily connoisseur. She taught me that life is worth living- but only if you live it well. And for that, I could not be more grateful.
My grandmother and I are pictured above in a photo taken this past summer...
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