Home > lifestyle > On Why We Don’t Use the Best Things We Have- Part 2
On Why We Don’t Use the Best Things We Have- Part 2
Posted on Friday, February 5, 2010 by Beauty Skin Care Naturaly

Last week, my post On Why We Don’t Use the Best Things We Have got an overwhelming response. So many of you could relate and we all asked ourselves the same question- Why do we do this? What are we saving our best for?
So to explore this question further- I’ve been using only my best of everything this past week and have jotted down some notes to document my experience. I have included the highlights of my observations below:
Monday- Wore my favorite Intimissimi pajamas in cotton taupe with aqua blue lace trim to bed. I have never worn these to bed before. I’ve only worn them when staying over at my in-laws’ house as they are my prettiest pajamas and they tend to impress! Wearing them at home feels great… kind of like the equivalent of jumping into a perfectly laundered, freshly made bed.
Wednesday- Walked Gatsby in my Hard Tail yoga pants, ballet top and hoodie (an outfit I usually reserve for hiking with girlfriends). Felt as though there were a spring in my step and for the first time in a while did not worry that I would run into somebody I know.
Thursday- Wore my favorite J Crew cashmere henley in heather grey for the second time this week. Normally would shy away from wearing something twice in one week but when it is high quality and is the nicest warm sweater I have- pourquoi pas? Allowing myself to wear something more than once a week also curbs my ridiculous desire to buy too many expensive things- I don’t need that much… quality over quantity.
Friday- Today I am lounging around the house. The cleaning lady canceled on me so I changed my plans, rolled up my sleeves and did it myself. I was wearing a favorite lightweight chocolate brown tunic by Alternative and normally would have changed into sweats to do the housework but as my husband and brother-in-law are here, decided to stay in my best- even when cleaning. After all, they have to look at me too!
There you have my somewhat random notes. I definitely sense a positive shift of feeling when I use the best things I have. By doing so I am telling myself that every day is special enough to treat myself to the best.
Have you been using the best things you have? I would love to hear your observations…
Roses on my dining room table are pictured above.
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