friday forte - bless you

It's been a week (understatement).

No exercise bragging in this post (thank goodness, I hear you cry) cos we've had a cough/cold so bad that the Wee Guy started upchucking and I took to my bed. So exercise would probably be A Very Bad Idea right now (anyways, there's a sporting event happening round here so all the sporty energy is being maintained, just not in this house).

I have however, managed a spurt of efficiency and submitted pieces for no fewer than five jury processes. The list includes pics for a book (oh the digital image hoopla), my first call for artists (still not firmly in the 'i am an artist' camp), a couple of selling venues and a new workshop proposal. Thinking positively.

Also on the 'hobby' front I've almost finished a new asymmetric 'mermaid' necklace, delivered two-thirds of content for an evening class and been accepted for a craft fair (which I now have to work out how to pay for with Vancouver snarled up in the aforementioned sporting event).

We've also taken in the olympic torch relay, one board meeting for Family Place, a visit to ER and I managed a most brutal wardrobe cull (no time for regrets as the cast offs are now safely at the trift store (gulp).

Did I mention I was solo parenting all this week?

Next week I'll be back in control of my mid-life crisis, I promise.


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