Kim Kardashian's Wedding DJ Confirms After Party - Gather Celebs News Channel

Last night Kim Kardashian sent out a tweet to her wedding music man, DJ Cassidy, and said he was the best DJ ever and she wanted to book him again ASAP for a big after party. "Seriously the best DJ ever @DJCassidy completely brought the house down at my wedding! Cass- we need an after party ASAP!!! lol," Kim tweeted.

Well, DJ Cassidy has responded to Kim Kardashian's tweet already, and here is what he had to say: "@KimKardashian thank you :). I'm down, let's do it. No one throws a party like you. Nobody. Congratulations!"

Well, considering that her neighbors were not very happy with the volume of the music playing at Kim Kardashian's wedding reception, and also considering that Kim is headed to New York tomorrow for a few months, at least the after party (if in LA, anyway) won't be held anytime soon. Kim's neighbors will probably be breathing a huge sigh of relief knowing that they sholdn't be bothered with loud music at least for the next few months.

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29 Aug, 2011

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