We Have a Winner! Kris Humphries' Sexy Honeymoon Outfit Shocker! - E! Online

As you surely recall, we had to skip out on Kim Kardashian's big day. (At least, that's the excuse we're using.)

But since we had already splurged on Kimmie's wedding gift (a swanky bedazzled oven mitt, perfect for the fancy wifey), we thought it would be far better to give it to one of you loyal readers than let it go to waste. And since nobody won the first round of guessing, we put the prize up for grabs again.

And this time, we have a winner!

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Remember, we asked you what kind of sexy outfit Kim's hubby Kris Humphries should woo her with on the first night of their honeymoon. And tho' the big night (in Italy!) is over and we'll probably never know what actually went down (until some future airing), it was funny reading your suggestions!

And let's just say, some of your hot 'n bothered guesses have us fairly flustered.

And while we definitely have a gem of a top Tweet, here are some honorable mentions that just had to be shared:

@hobyheather: I think Kris Humphries should wear the blinged out oven mitt...only the blinged out oven mitt. That's hot.

@NickyHaze83: A tiny top hat. I think you get where it goes:)

@virgopeace: Kris Humphries should dress up like Jacob a.k.a Taylor L. They look almost identical! And maybe kim could be bella lol

All together now: LOL. And a special kudos to the last suggestion for giving us a good vamp fix even during this matrimony madness.

But as much as we enjoyed picturing Hump dressed in these racy outfits, the winner is…

Misty Bentley!

@mistybentley: It's wedding white, sexy, and super tight. Hope it comes in extra tall! Lol Bow Chicka Wow Wow! :)

Be warned! This naughty Twitter mama added a link that's so not safe for work. But we think the outfit is too hilare (and too painfully un-sexy) to not award it the oven mitt of honor.

Kudos, Mist! Message us your address on Twitter and we'll ship you your sparkly prize pronto. Thanks for playing, everyone!

PHOTOS: Kim & Kris: Honeymoon Highlights!

29 Aug, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEEjiQcsUUIw0f69TMLWlMakd9r2A&url=http://www.eonline.com/news/the_awful_truth/we_have_winner_kris_humphries_sexy/260225
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