Selena Gomez Goes Sexy for VMA Pre-Show! - Gather Celebs News Channel

Selena Gomez is just an hour away from hosting the 2011 MTV VMA pre-show, but she's already been spotted on the red carpet. And the report is that she is looking sexy! All eyes have been on the 19-year-old star since it was announced last week that she would host.

MTV's live blog says "Selena Gomez is wearing a long, dramatic lace PLUNGING back dress. The crowd is losing their minds. Also, when she was talking to Tyler Posey, a cute portal cracked open and we all died. I MEAN." Quite a statement piece from a girl who just awhile ago was an innocent Disney star. Gomez has been rocking sexier numbers on her We Own The Night tour so it seems that she's trying to age up her image. Tyler Posey is the lead of Teen Wolf. Boyfriend Justin Bieber is up for Best Male Video for "U Smile." If Selena interviews the Bieber, the crowd is sure to actually lose their minds.

Do you think Selena Gomez will interview Justin Bieber tonight at the MTV VMA pre-show? Stay tuned for more coverage from the event!

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29 Aug, 2011

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