On Mystery- Part Deux

I recently wrote a post entitled Mystery- Comme les Français where I discussed the unfortunate effects of TMI (too much information) syndrome in our society. Based on the overwhelming response I received from you in the comment section of that post I take it that we are mostly on the same page… and being mysterious is decidedly better than not being mysterious.

So I decided to do a little research… I looked up on the internet (highly scientific, I know) the phrase, “how to be mysterious”. And the answers I received were, to put it lightly, hilarious.

There were suggestions of developing a signature coy laugh, of excusing yourself from a room whenever you receive a phone call and then returning back to said room with a salacious smile and (my favorite one) disappearing for days on end and not telling anyone.

I believe these tips, while humorous, completely miss the entire point of being mysterious. Being mysterious is not about changing who you are and playing childish games. Being mysterious is about being wholly who you are - realizing that you are special and guarding that specialness carefully.

If you think highly of yourself (as I think everyone should) and regard yourself as being special- you are less likely to relinquish your life story to the old lady at the bus stop. You are also less likely to gossip relentlessly, apologize for yourself or be shrill (I hate it when I’m shrill- shrillness is so not mysterious).

Now the next time a new acquaintance asks me a question- am I guaranteed to not reveal too much information about myself? Who knows… but I am intent on having a good time trying…

How has your mysteriousness (or lack thereof) been lately?

The mysterious subject of David Stoupakis' The Day the Frogs Rain Down is pictured above.

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