Did Justin Bieber Purposely Forget to Thank Selena Gomez in VMA Speech? - Gather Celebs News Channel

Justin Bieber did not thank Selena Gomez in his MTV Video Music Awards acceptance speech. Predictably, rumors are already beginning to make their way around the web about whether or not his omission was deliberate. Did JB diss his girlfriend?

"I just want to say thank you so much," Justin Bieber effused as he clutched his award for Best Male Video. "Not only to God, but to Jesus. Because I wouldn't be here without Him. He's really blessed me. He's put me in this position, so I want to say thank you so much. Also, I want to say thank you to all the other nominees. They were amazing. I'm a true fan of all of them, so I want to share this award with all of them. You guys are amazing!"

Very nice. But why no mention of his light of love, Selena Gomez? Especially after she "gave him a kiss on-camera and a standing ovation as he took the stage to accept his award." Was he paying her back in kind for the times she neglected to thank him at various high points in her career? Or are the "trouble in Paradise" rumors that follow Jelena like a plague of locusts true? Seriously, would it have hurt JB to squeeze Selena's name in between God and his fellow artists? Even adding her on at the end of his speech would have been OK.

Relax, everybody. Justin Bieber has already been taken to task by some observant beliebers because he also forgot to thank his fans. And he's already Tweeted them an apology. In the Biebs' own words, he just "blanked out up there," and he "forgot a lot of things in the moment." Yes, that happens--even to world-class super stars. And least the fan sites get their panties in yet another twist, the answer to their next complaint/question is: No. He has not tweeted Selena an apology so far. Possibly because she understands the kind of pressure under which he constantly functions, and she hasn't complained. And also perhaps because his apologies to her will be far more private and more intimate than anything that can be posted on Twitter.

Get over it, Fan Sites.

© Hope Carson 2011

Hope Carson is the author of 2 books: A Roaring Girl: An Interview with the Thinking Man's Hooker and A Thousand and One Night Stands: The Life of Jon Vincent. You can follow her on Twitter.

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30 Aug, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGLTr2U2cPYrN_kZ2fnVVm0GYjlfw&url=http://celebs.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474980105960
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