Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga Videos Pulled From YouTube - WebProNews

If you're browsing the Twittersphere right now, you might notice that the trending topics list is saturated with pop music references. Many TTs are due to last night's MTV Video Music Awards, but some are there thanks to the work of one iLCreation.

Music videos from the likes of Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and more are officially down on YouTube right now.

First, and most importantly to the tweens on Twitter, is the outage of the Justin Bieber VEVO channel. All of his videos have been removed based on a copyright claim from iLCreative (as you can see from the lead image).

Other casualties of iLCreative's rampage? Rhianna. Her video for "What's My Name?" currently bears the same takedown notice. Users on Twitter are also reporting missing videos from Bruno Mars, Beyonce, and Miley Cyrus.

Twitter's little monsters are also enraged that Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" video has disappeared. There's no takedown notice, it is simply gone. When you search for it on YouTube, the only results you get are a live version and a behind-the-scenes"making of the video" clip. Miley Cyrus' "Party In The USA" has also suffered the same fate.

Who is this iLCreation? Besides being the most hated person on Twitter right now, the only trace on YouTube that I can find is a channel seemingly devoted to cricket videos.

There's also a brand new Facebook page called iLCreation that may or may not actually come from those behind the video takedowns. Under the info, under "mission," it reads DELETE CHANNEL JUSTINBIEBERVEVO OFFICIAL OF YOUTUBE! WE FINALLY UP!

The Twitter outrage is amusing, to say the least.

Whoever is behind this – the pop music terrorist, wreaking havoc on the millions and millions of Bieber fanatics – deserves our deepest gratitude derision!

29 Aug, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEJ2NMm6Mhmt2EgZKZScw2oW24uGw&url=http://www.webpronews.com/justin-bieber-lady-gaga-videos-pulled-from-youtube-2011-08
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