Eating To Lose Weight: The Right Balance To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals - American Health and Beauty (press release)


A balanced diet of these 3 essential macro-nutrients ensure that you are supplying your body with the right amount energy to function at it's best, maintaining muscle while burning fat.

While most nutrition authorities agree that successful weight loss plans consist mostly of calories in vs. calories out, if you want to lose fat and not muscle, you've got to first understand where these calories are coming from. There are 3 essential macro-nutrients that need to be balanced in your diet: carbohydrates, fat, and protein. None are to be avoided completely for they each serve a specific purpose.

  1. Carbs = Instant Energy
    Carbs, short for carbohydrates, are your body's preferred source of energy for motion and metabolism. If you're looking for a feminine and athletic body, it is important that you do not cut out all carbs from your diet. Carbohydrates don't make you fat - imbalance is what makes you fat. You should eat 1 serving (about half a cup) of carbs with each meal, other than dinner, assuming you're eating 5-6 small meals a day. Remember, carbohydrates provide instant energy so you need a constant supply of them as the day goes on. As the day draws to a close, you can dwindle down your carb intake because you won't need them.
  2. Protein = Speedy Metabolism
    Protein supports muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism will be. You should have some form of protein with every single meal. For fat loss purposes and to maintain your muscle mass, you need to eat .8g per pound of your body weight each day. Protein helps keep you full, fuels your muscles for activity, contributes to the health of your hair, skin, and nails, and is perhaps the most important macro-nutrient for you to focus on. The more muscle you have, the more you can eat and still look great.
  3. Cell Health/Fat = Stored Energy
    Your body's cell membranes are made up of lipids so fat is very important to every function in your body at a molecular level. Fat may also be used for energy, if it is deprived of carbohydrates. However, if you aren't consuming healthy fats daily, your body will create fat stores from the food that you are eating. Other macro-nutrients can be converted to fat if necessary and there is no limit to the amount of fat that can be stored. This is why even on a low-fat diet, you can still gain weight. Be sure to eat nuts, nut butter, or some form of essential fatty acid supplement like flax oil to get your daily intake of healthy unsaturated fats. This way your body will learn that it doesn't need huge stores of fat anymore and use store just what it needs for optimal performance.

By knowing how each macro-nutrient works and how they work together, eating to lose weight should be simplified. The new look is lean and athletic so it is important to remain balanced and have all 3 forms of macro-nutrients available for your body to use as energy sources!

Related Topics: Diet | Exercise | Weight Loss

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29 Aug, 2011

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