Justin Bieber's in for Some Tough Times Says Music Icon - Gather Celebs News Channel

Justin Bieber is riding high on his fame, as he is one of the most popular teen pop artists in the world. This is not going to continue without some hard work on his part, says someone who has been there. In fact, this former child singing star says Justin Bieber has already started this bumpy road, he says some kids are already dissing when hearing Bieber's name.

Donny Osmond was half of the famous "Donny and Marie" duo of the 70's and 80's, as he and his sister Marie Osmond had a stream of hit songs, hit shows and were the teen idols, much like the teen crooner from Canada is today. As Donny talks to the Denver Post, he has some advice for the teen who is treading familiar water today.

Osmond recently told Justin to, "Put on the seat belt, buddy, because it's going to be a bumpy ride and there's going to be times when people say you're not talented anymore. Never give up on yourself." When asked when Justin's ride will start this deterioration, Osmond said, "It's happening now."

Sure, there are the Bieber haters out there, but they are over powered by the fans of the "Baby" singer. While Donny and Marie were big in their day, Justin is probably a few notches up on the fame scale than the singing siblings were ever able to do.

The Osmond sister and brother team had a good decade run with their fame and are still minor celebrities today when it comes to entertainment venues and celebrity endorsements, but Bieber is super stardom in comparison. While Osmond is probably right about Bieber having to work hard to stay on top eventually, it doesn't look as if he will experience this decline anytime soon.

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28 Aug, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEMVbZo2FACkyRcv_uGfsaEqvcoFQ&url=http://celebs.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474980083066
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